I struggled to keep my skin clean and healthy for a long time by including some expensive and affordable products in my daily skincare routine. I get minimal results by using the products of national and international brands but setting a daily routine of good skincare at home has proved really effective. I have established a good, simple and effective skincare routine which has worked for me to give healthy, glowing and radiant skin.
To cut a long story short, my routine has made my skin a billion times better than before. Daily skincare routine is more effective than buying expensive products. You won’t believe but healthy and glowing skin is result of your healthy lifestyle. Simply, if you want clear and healthy skin you need to act accordingly. Just kick your bad habits out of your life and stop contradicting your goal.
1. Eliminate These Habits From Your Daily Skincare Routine
- Avoid Overexposure to Sun:

Your daily skincare routine includes eliminating some habits as they are damaging your skin. Firstly, give up your love for tan and bronzed look. Yes! it is a shocking truth for me that I should not sit in sunlight without using sunscreen as it would have direct impact on my skin’s health. You should avoid overexposure to sun because it will be harmful for skin as it may cause wrinkles and damage your collagen, which is extremely important for the healthy and fresh skin. Overexposure to sun may cause premature aging so avoid going out in the sun without a good sunscreen. You might love you beautiful bronzed tan look, but clear and healthy skin is more important than you love for tan.
- Avoid Taking Hot Showers:
Second, in your daily skincare routine another important habit you need to avoid is taking hot showers for long time. Taking shower with warm and hot water is so relaxing but it will make your skin dry by taking out all the natural oils your skin produces. You need to set the timer or turn down the temperature to wash your face and take shower.
- Avoid Excessive Make-up:
Then, you do not need to put a lot of make-up on your face while getting ready for your college or workplace. Use make-up products containing natural ingredients and fewer chemicals. I must say to minimize your make up as it would suffocate your skin and clog your skin pores causing acne, blemishes and other skin issues. So apply the makeup which would give you a healthy look instead of caking on your skin.
2. Add Some Good Habits In Your Daily Skincare Routine at Home
- Eat a lot of Veggies, Fruits and Water:
You need to adopt some habits in your daily skincare routine at home very strictly in order to get beautiful and healthy skin. Firstly, listen to your mom pals _ that’s right. Follow her advice of eating healthy meals, fruits and vegetables and avoid eating processed food and frizzy drinks. You will be stunned if you get to know how they are damaging for your skin. Eat right, sleep right and hydrate your skin as much as you can because this will act as the best medicine to make your skin fresh and radiant. You need to cut excess baddies including sugar, alcohol, tobacco etc.
- Start Exfoliation:

Never left you skin’s dead cells unattended because they pile up and make that are grey and dry on your skin. It causes blemishes on the skin like acne. It would enhance your discomfort so you can exfoliate through many ways like you can try scrubs, brushes and topical. It all depends on your preference.
- Healthy and Nutrient-full diet:
Your skin needs food rich in Vitamin E, C as well as omega-3s. Just research and include the food rich in these nutrients. This food will bless your skin and give your skin excellent glow. You just need to become aware of what you are consuming because you are what you eat.
3. Include Some Hacks In Daily Skincare Routine
Your skincare routine must include natural skin care hacks which would help you to get healthy glowing skin for a long time.
- SPF Everything:
You should never go out without using the sunblock, chapstick, moisturizer and foundation containing some level of SPF. It will help you stay protected from the harmful sunrays. Your skin will never get premature wrinkles and your skin collagen will never get damage. This hack will definitely give you a very refreshing experience as long as it will remain in your daily skincare routine.
- Massaging/ Circulation:
Including the circular massage in your daily skincare routine is a million dollar tip to get glowing skin. It is no secret that the circulation will make your skin healthy because it will increase blood circulation. Though, it is not easy to do massage everyday so you can use some useful hacks like using jade roller, applying serums, lymphatic drainage etc. So never avoid massage before going to bed. You will get enough sleep along with this good skincare hack.
- Aloe Vera Everyday:

This magical plant can make your skin flawless and radiant if you will include it in your daily skincare routine at home. Egyptians call Aloe Vera the ‘plant of immortality’ because it does wonders for the skin. It acts as natural moisturizer who fights acne and blemishes as well as prevent aging. You can grow this plant in your garden or you can purchase the aloevera gel available in the market. The choice is yours but do make it a part of your daily skincare routine at home.
Remember the formula to get healthy skin is to create a routine and lifestyle which would support your skin first. Eliminate overexposure to sun, cut down long hot showers, and reduce your make-up. You can add fruits and vegetables in your diet start exfoliation to get rid of dead cells, and make your diet healthy. Also simple natural hacks like doing circular massage, using aloe vera, and hydrating your skin can also do wonders for your skin if you will make them part of your daily skincare routine at home.
Don’t look for the shortcuts but apply all the fun tricks to get glow and radiance on your skin.
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